geccoDateTime ------------- README ------ 2000/03/30 CONTENTS -------- AUTHORS Program author information COPYING Copyright information CREDITS Credits for code design and development ChangeLog Description of new changes in each revision INSTALL Installation instructions NEWS Updates about the development of geccoDateTime README This file TODO Planned additions/alterations REQUIREMENTS ------------ - gecco 0.4.4 or higher - libgnomeui32 DESCRIPTION ----------- geccoDateTime is a date and time configuration plugin for gecco. CAVEATS ------- geccoDateTime was designed on and for a GNU/Linux system. It should, however, work on any Unix and Unix-like operating system. VERSIONING ---------- geccoDateTime follows the Linux versioning standard; MAJOR.MINOR.MICRO, where even MINOR versions are stable releases, and odd MINOR versions are development unstable releases. CONTACT ------- Please feel free to contact "" with any comments, suggestions, bug fixes, and criticism. COPYRIGHT --------- geccoDateTime is copyright 1999-2000 by John Vivian. It is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License, see the file COPYING in the source distribution for details.