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John Vivian
gecco news
New version of gecco, a new plugin, and updates galore
gecco 0.4.4 is now available. Minor changes have been made to gecco, including
updates to the HTML display, a debug mode, and install fixes.
Martin Oberzalek has done a great job
taking his original application
and making it work with gecco. gecco now has a new kernel module configuration
plugin: geccogmt. Thanks Martin!
New version of gecco, and a brand new plugin too
gecco 0.4.3 is now available. It features a number of new changes including,
running SUID root, a 'privileged users' file to control who is able to perform
special functions and a graphical utility to configure it, an updated API to
allow plugins to inform gecco whether or not root privileges are required, some
bug fixes and code cleanups.
Scott Fritzinger has done a great job
taking his original application
(guserman (gUM)
and making it work with gecco. gecco now has a user and group management
plugin: geccouserman. Thanks Scott!
New mailing list
gecco now has a mailing list called
gecco-general. For now, it will be used for all gecco-related discussion.
Bug fixes, a new plugin, and a new home
gecco 0.4.1
has been released, as well as several plugins which have also had a few
bug fixes.
Joining this latest release is geccoIfConfig, an interface configuration
gecco also has a new home:
provided by
sourceforge.net. A new
FTP server is
also available to download from; this will contain past releases of gecco and
it's plugins, which the web site will offer only the latest versions.
gecco 0.4.0 released
After months in the making, gecco 0.4.0 is finally
out, completely rewritten and with a new API. Joining it are two of the
original plugins (geccoRoute and geccoResolvConf)
and a new plugin (geccoDateTime). The other plugin from the
original package (geccoIfConfig) is coming shortly, really!